
    From 1 January 2009, the company Hendson made more than 250  Energy Certificates.  As part of our company prepare for Energy Performance Certificates:

    • houses
    • multifamily buildings
    • housing
    • Building services
    • public buildings


    Have execution dates for 3 working days.


    What is an energy performance certificate?

    Example Energy Performance Certificates pdf swiadectwo_energetyczne

    This is a document setting out the volume of energy demand required to meet the needs associated with use of the building or premises, that is, energy for heating, hot water, ventilation and air conditioning, in the case of public buildings, the lighting. The basis for drawing up the energy performance certificates energy performance of buildings is referred to in the technical documentation for the existing building, or if there is no technical documentation for him - determined by the technical-construction inventory.


    When you need an energy performance certificate?

    According to the European Parliament and Council 2002/91/EC from 1 January 2009 Energy Performance Certificate is mandatory for all newly created and used the property marketed (sold or rented), and for the building, as a result of conversion or repair has been the energy performance.  Energy Certificate shall be made to the property on which independent whole technical - in use.


    Why is energy performance certificates?

    Celem wprowadzenia obowiązku sporządzania świadectw jest promowanie budownictwa efektywnego energetycznie i zwiększanie świadomości społecznej w zakresie możliwości uzyskania oszczędności energii w budownictwie. The purpose of introducing the obligation to produce certificates to promote energy-efficient building and increasing awareness of the opportunities for energy savings in buildings. Dzięki informacjom zawartym w świadectwie właściciel, najemca lub użytkownik będzie mógł określić orientacyjne roczne zapotrzebowanie na energię, a tym samym koszt utrzymania związany z zapotrzebowaniem na energię. Thanks to the information contained in the certificate of the owner, lessee, or user can specify the approximate annual energy demand and thus the cost of maintenance associated with the demand for energy.